Pampered Pets Easel Card – #GDP279

Hello and welcome to my blog, As you may know I’ve been joining in with the weekly Global Design Project challenges.  This week #GDP279 is a theme challenge – Animals.  Pampered Pets from the annual catty immediately came to mind and after a bit of thought I designed this cute easel card. I had so […]

Jar of Flowers thank you cards – CASE the catalogue

Hello my crafty friends I hope you are keeping well! Even though restrictions are easing we decided not to go away in our caravan for the time being nor do we want to go out to a pub or restaurant. I know we need to support local businesses but we are waiting until things settle […]

Masking Technique with Stampin’ Up! Lovely as a Tree

Happy Easter guys – hope you’ve had a great time. We had a short break camping in Dorset, me the hubby and Ollie, the collie, which was lovely. The Jurassic coast is absolutely beautiful and we were blessed with good weather so on Friday we walked West along the coastal path from our campsite in […]